EO Europe

Seeing how many enthusiastic EO Europe members have got on board with the 2021 Impact Track has been extremely rewarding. Huub has always championed the underlying power that lies within EO….that being the strength of business and the ability to use this as a force for good. Right from the outset, together with Wendy, they could see the potential gain by infusing B-Corp and EO. To remain a certified B-Corp means continual improvement – which goes hand in hand with business growth. The ultimate aim remains; to motivate as many EO Europe members to get involved. Huub, Wendy and Wolfgang have already made their mark. Due to COVID and its constraints the only way to generate further reach and roll out a successful track was virtually. Wolfgang’s expertise in this field meant within three months, together with B-Corp self, they had established an interactive digital platform from which to run the initiative.

It’s worth recognising that levels of commitment when considering B-Corp can and do vary. For some becoming fully certified is the main priority, for others establishing a number of SDGs and working towards those goals is enough. Any change is valuable. By the end of the track, whereby entrepreneurs were invited to bring company members to the meeting to help them understand the daily implications, they had agreed upon two ‘Collective Actions’. To create a Carbon Zero EO and Meatless Monday – EO vegetarian recipe competition. Steps in the right direction.

We’re excited and encouraged by what has been achieved so far. But there’s so much more to be done and we really hope you want to get involved!
